Tuesday, June 20, 2006
We ended up deadheading home from Shelby and got home early Friday morning. I was lucky enough that Disa had the day off of work so we spent the day doing some running around. Friday night I fired up the grill and we had a lovely dinner.
Saturday I did some running around and went to the yarn store. (I'll talk more about that when I can show you pics! The digital camera was left at Karis, ooops. I'm afraid this will be a pictureless blog) Then Saturday night we went to Kari and Brads Housewarming party. Well we really warmed that house up!!! I had a blast! I got to see Moe, Karis mom and all my peeps. I partied like a rock star and felt it the next day.
Sunday I just mostly felt like carp and layed around. I remember why I don't party like that all the time now.
Monday we started the search for freight again. We were unsuccessful.
Today we re-leased on with Admiral Merchants. Ahhh, we've come full circle. We went into the office to fill out the paperwork. It was great to go in the office and see all my peeps. I could have spent all day walking around chitty chatting with people. I figure they will limit the time that I can come in the office because I will be a distraction as I talk to people and they are not working. hehe. When I was over talking to Ralph he asked if I wanted to answer his phone so I did. It was one of the drivers that I used to talk to a lot. He says " Laura! I haven't talked to you in forever! Where have you been?" I told him I didn't actually work there anymore and that I was just in visiting. We chatted for a few minutes then I ran some miles for him. I was highly amused by the whole thing.
Well I promise I will get ya'll another update soon. I will post pics when I get my camera back again also.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Still in Shelby...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

in Baltimore. Then we boogied down to NC to pick up this.

We just kicked this off the trailer and now we don't have a plan. We're camped out at a hotel for the moment so that is just fine with me!
Montana is really pretty. I think it would be awful in the winter though. I suppose people think that MN is nice but would be awful in the winter too. They have the biggest cows I have ever seen in MT. They also have tons and tons of sheep. I never really believed all that MT and sheep stuff but now I do... hehe... I have also seen Antelope. The first Atelope I saw I just thought it was a really old deer but Chris pointed out that it was an Antelope. There are tons of Atelope in MT also.
I have been knitting up a storm. Did I ever post pictures of this bag??
Well here it is. I've been done with this for awhile but figured I'd post a pic of it. Here is what I have done of Counterpain bag. I am rolling right along with this bag. It is going much quicker that I thought it would. Pretty soon I will have to go get fabric for the lining.
I also finally finished my jaywalkers!! The other night in SD it was chilly so I put on a pair of my handknit socks. Well I loved wearing them so much that they inspired me to put down the bag for a little bit and finish those socks. I started these socks this morning.
They are being knit from the toe up with mountain Colors Bearfoot. I love this yarn so far and am really enjoying knitting from the toe up. I am knitting these socks from the book Sensational Knit Socks. I am knitting them using the easy toe method. I was going to use the short row method for the toes from the book but it just did not make sense to me. I need to consult with another knitter about this pattern. (Betsy, do you have this book??????)
Well that's all folks. I will try to blog more often. I promise:)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I have nothing witty to say...
Hey Kari, I'm sure you read this all the time also but don't comment. Are you looking forward to Tuesday???xoxox???
Well we're in OH. We loaded Friday in IL and are on our way to Baltimore. The load is 12' wide so we have some restrictions and this is our stopping place for the day. I really should have a pic of the POS load that we have but it's really not much to look at. It's an old hopper of some sort. Someone bought this whole tar plant in IL and are shipping it overseas. We really can't imagine that anyone would pay money for what we're hauling but to each his own.
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate Flying J? We had the misfortune of having lunch and dinner here. They were out of butter, ranch dressing, blue cheese dressing, hoagie rolls, anything that had marinara sauce, salmon, cream and real napkins (they were handing out cheap little ones that I'm sure they purchased in the convince store) And who knows what else they may have been out of that we did not hear about. Yah gotta love that flying J. It's always something!
Now that we have hit the road again I have dug into my knitting some. I am still working on my jaywalkers but they have turned into my project that is kept in my purse and gets worked on while I am in the restaurant. They are almost done though.

Ok so now I'll tell you about the new bag that I am making!! It is from Bags: A Knitters Dozen. (Have you noticed that I am crazy about the bags in this book?) This is what the bag looks like in the book.

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Back at it
I believe we are taking off this afternoon to go load in IL for MD. It is time to go back to work!! We are running low on funds so that is usually a good sign that it is time to work again. Hopefully next time we are in town we can spend some more time visiting people. This trip home was sp busy and rushed packing and moving. We have a ton of stuff that needs to get done today also before we leave. Geez, I can't wait to just get in the truck where I just sit there and knit and have no control over whatever and I can just relax instead of stressing.
In the knitting front I did manage to sneak off to the yarn store one day this past week. I needed something to organize my circular needles. That was my really good excuse for going. I also picked up some yarn for another bag. I will get you pics and details on that soon.
Well I may have more to say but I just don't have time. It's 9:45 and check out is at 11. That means I have 1 hour and 15 minutes to do about 30,000 things. tata.