I say this was a small accomplishment since this is just one square of many that will *someday* be an afghan. This was a really challenging little square. This has some of the most difficult cables I have ever knit. I wanted to get this one off the needles so I could start something new though. (more to come on that!)
Here is my big accomplishment...
I have been working on these little babies since the beginning of April! I was itching to start another pair of socks and since I try to not have more than two pairs going at once it ignited the fire to finish these up. Yeah!
So here are the new socks
Ok , ok, I know there not much yet just ribbing but they are going to be AWESOME! They are Dream in Color Smooshy Sock yarn and I am knitting another pattern from More Sensational Knit Socks. The pattern is called Faggot and cable stripe and I can't wait to be done with the ribbing so I can start on the pattern.
Ok and last but not least here is my other new project.
This is the Trifold Knitters Bowl from A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting. This will be felted when it is finished and will hang out on the coffee table holding yarn and notions. I think this is going to be really really cool too. I started off by knitting the mobuis strip and then picking up stitches for the bottom of the bowl. Where the pink yarn is, I will pick up those stitches and knit 6 pockets. Eventually you pick up stitches around the top of the bowl that kind of close it up like an old fashioned coin purse. Very cool stuff, just wait and see.
Ahhhhh Minneapolis, sweet, Minneapolis!My real home good ole 215!
A few of the members of my extended family (co-workers), Matt...Shawn...
Oh look it's me! I look happy, obviously I have not actually started working yet!My desk, as messy as it is!
Roberto the werewolf, He comes in at 10.
At lunch today I walked around for a bit.
Then I walked around and annoyed my co-workers by taking there pictures. This is Mary.
This afternoon I was working away when the contractor services department asked if I would take a picture of them. How could I say no? This is the picture they wanted me to take!
And my lovely commute home.
And this speed is very typical of the commute home.
I did survive the day. Well that's all folks! We will resume our regular knitting blog shortly. (aren't NEW digital cameras fun!)
This is a pretty mindless knit so far. It is mostly just K4, P4. I knew if would be and some time you just need to thank god for totally mindless projects like this.
I also finished my mobius basket. This was a super quick knit and if you just sat down and worked on it it could easily be finished in just a few hours.
I have my eye on so many other projects from A 2nd Treasury of Magical knitting but am trying to stay in control of how many projects I have on the needles at one time. For example no more socks can be started until I finish at least one pair of socks. I think that more than two pairs of socks on the needles at the same time is too many. If I want to ever finish things I need to control myself from casting on. Speaking of sock here are my stockinette triangle socks.
So on to my next knitting adventure for the weekend...
I realized earlier this week that I had a miscrossed cable on one of my Afghan squares. Well I had planned on fixing it Friday night but I did not feel I had enough brain power to do so so I successfully did that this morning. Here is my boo boo.
I also have started swatching for Chris' sweater. I made three (YES THREE) swatches for it and they are currently in the washing machine. I want to make sure that this sweater turns out since it is the first sweater that I will be making for someone else. Hopefully I will start actually knitting it this week.
Hey, BTW, If you are ever out and about and are looking for a really cool yarn shop check out the yarn garage in Rosemount, MN. WOW, I was curious as to what to expect from the website and it was awesome. The prices were great too! They had tons and tons of really interesting stuff. I will be back when I have some cash to blow. (now when will that ever be?) Anyways, today I was a good girl. I purchased some butterfly cotton yarn that I make the apple hats with and A 2nd Treasury Of Magical Knitting. I have had my eye on that book for awhile and now it is mine! Ah ha!
I've got to say that I am looking forward to the rest of my weekend. Then working Monday (not really looking forward to that part, but it pays the bills). Then when I come home Chris and Brownie should be home. Then I have Tuesday off and Wednesday! It's like a bonus weekend in the middle of the week!
These are my newest thing to cast on. I've been thinking about this yarn a lot the past couple of weeks. Kari, Betsy and I dyed this at the sheep and wool festival last month. I am knitting both sock at the same time, toe up. I am using the a pattern from More sensational Knitted Socks called stockinette stitch triangles.
Here is another Fiber Trends felted sheep. Same thing with this guy, he's been finished for a couple weeks but just got felted yesterday.
Yet another sock. A never ending sock at that!
These four squares are made for the Great American Aran Afghan. I started this YEARS ago and picked it back up a couple of weeks ago. I finished that last square a couple weeks ago and have another really challenging on the needles right now.
I am hoping to start a sweater for Chris really soon. I finnally ordered the needles I need from Knit picks and was hoping that I would have them by this weekend so I could have started it. Oh well I guess it will get started next weekend. Like I really need to start something new anyways.
And here is Betsy who is just casting on for a pair of yummy Mittens! I worked on these socks I am just about done with them. I can't wait! I should have them done tonight! I also cast on these socks
Sorry the picture really sucks. I will get a better picture when I get a little further along. These are toe up socks knit with Mountain Colors Bearfoot. I really wanted to make some toe up socks so I could try a different bind off that Wendy posted on her blog. I even went so far as to weigh and divide the yarn into two skeins.
Super Bowl
Sunday was The Colts vs. The Bears. Nannies really wanted to go over to Karis for the Superbowl party so mama whipped up this colts mane to wear so he could get in the spirit.
We ate lots of food and had a good time. There was never a doubt in our minds that Payton would lead the Colts to Victory!Kari even managed to keep her jersey on the whole game. (she doesn't usually strip during football games (that I'm aware of anyways) she just usually has to take it off because it brings bad luck to the colts)
I have been on a quest for months to find clear shoes to wear with my socks. I finally found them last week. I ordered them from here and they arrived this week.