We have resorted to doing things like this to entertain ourselves...
That was one of Skips contraptions. If you can't tell it's two forks balanced on two toothpicks on top of a salt shaker. The waitress was impressed, she said it was art even!
Since I blogged last we've sat around a whole bunch. Over the weekend we loaded a crane and brought it up to the Philly area. That was a really nice drive up and back. We went right through Lancaster county and I seen more Amish people than I have ever seen in a day.
Sunday morning was exciting. We were eating breakfast in the restaurant when we head some lady yelling at someone in the store. We turned around to see what was going on and a lady ran through the truckstop in just her underwear. Yup, just her panties. You never know what's going to happen next. After streaking through the store she broke a glass case before being hauled off by the cops.
Chris polished the truck one day. I've been knitting and knitting and knitting. I started another of these cabled bags. Here's a pic of it mid-way through. I am working on the lining now and then I just have the finishing and the strap.
I am almost done with one cabled sock for Chris. I think I am at the toe decreases but I really want Chris to try them on before I start the toe decreases. For someone who wants me to knit them socks getting him to try them on is like pulling teeth. Here it is so far. These really are some very nice socks.

Well I think we're going to head over to Grove and see if our crane is ready yet. Wish us luck. Maybe some day we will leave PA.
Wow! Those are some nice socks! He is so lucky to have someone to knit socks for him, and they are pretty ones too! Or should I say handsome... anyway, glad all is well. Never knew Tony was so creative! haha :-))) Maybe we'll see you soon in GA! Love you both, talk with you soon.
Yes, tis me, your faithful blog reader. I thought you guys were already loaded and rollin.. Sorry to hear that you're still waiting. The knitting is awesome, and the stunts with the silverware and table setting is just amazing.. it boggles the mind how talented you really are. I wish I could have been there for the half nekkid streaker.. Dang, I miss all the good stuff. I'd have been yelling "DON'T LOOK ETHEL" :-)
Happy Trails...
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