My ramblings on about knitting, dogs, life and more knitting.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I am still alive!
So some people have given me a hard time about not blogging so I thought I would try from my phone again, if this works check back soon.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
oooh, so high tech you black berry elitist! ha! just kidding. :)
Laurita! I've been checking this blog a few times a week since FREAKIN Christmas!!! But, I've quietly waited.... and waited.... and waited... and waited.. and... okay, you get the idea.. :-) So nice to see you again.
oooh, so high tech you black berry elitist! ha! just kidding. :)
Laurita! I've been checking this blog a few times a week since FREAKIN Christmas!!! But, I've quietly waited.... and waited.... and waited... and waited.. and... okay, you get the idea.. :-) So nice to see you again.
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