Greetings!!! I'm back and I have pictures!! I just thought this pic was so cute. This is ALL of my boys!

This is Santa Rosa, NM. We turned South from here and entered the boondocks.

The Boondocks of NM.

This is Jeanette and her son Mack. Hey did you know my middle name is Jeanette? Yup, sure is. We have that in common already:)

Last night was the awards ceremony for the Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence. Here is a pic of Chris and I before Dinner.

I tried to get some pics from when Chris was receiving his award but the lighting was bad and they did not turn out. I snapped this one when they were getting ready to get there pictures taken as a group. To the left of Chris is Greg Neal and to the right is Vernon Brobst. When Chris was getting his award everyone booed him for stealing a freight coordinator away. Poor baby! It was all in good fun though. I'm sure Chris is ready to get the heck out of NC and get away from all the people harassing him about taking me:)

On the knitting side of my life... I finished the mossy socks. They are both done. I even ripped back the first one and shorted in up. They are now done and perfect. It's kind of funny that I am knitting socks like a crazy person but want nothing to do with socks right now. I am all about my sandal's!

I finally started a Jaywalker sock. I actually started it twice. Well now we're rocking and rolling on it and it is very nice. I have read on other blogs that the jaywalker is very narrow and it is. I tried it on and it was a very tight fit to get it around my heel. This may be the nicest sock I have ever made though. The yarn is very fine and it is knit on size 1 needles so the stitches are tiny!

This is another sock that I started. It is going to be a warm pair of socks. They are very different that the jaywalker!

This is the my other project that is one the needles right now. It's going to be a bag. I'm kind of at a stand still with it right now though. It is currently on size 6, 16" addi turbo needles and I need a 20 or 24" to continue on with it. We did check out a yarn store here in Charlotte yesterday and I was hoping to pick some up but they didn't have any.

The yarn store we checked out was baskets of yarn. It was very small. They didn't have a large variety but was an interesting store none the less. I got out of there cheap. I bought one ball of sock yarn to add to the stash!
I added a bunch of new Pics to "The Boys" if you need a new fix of cute dog pics!
Well I have to wrap it up here. I need to pack up so we can check out of the hotel.
1 comment:
The slide show of the "boys" is great.. they are so freaking cute.
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