Ha! Here is the purple tree! The computer still did not want to upload this pic so I had to do some tricky work to get it to work. I hope it's worth it!!!
We're still here in Joplin MO. We decided to stay another night since the room was reasonable and the weather was nice. Yesterday we spent a good part of the day working on this computer. It has been moving at snail pace lately. Chris spent two hours on the phone with Geek Squad yesterday trying to determine if we had a virus or what was making the computer so sluggish. Well after all that there is NOTHING wrong with the computer. Which I guess is a good thing. Well we finally checked the Sprint Aircard and there was an upgrade on that. It seems like maybe the computer is moving a little quicker.
Last night we went to dinner at Olive Garden. It was yummy. I'm sure I blew my points out of the water but it was so nice to not eat at the truckstop.
Yesterday the mossy sock and I made peace. I actually have a bit more of the second sock done than this pic shows. I think I have determined that the sock and I don't get along when we are rolling down the road. Tiny stitches and bumpy roads don't mix. I have also spotted some boo-boos in the first sock but they are mistakes that I can live with. They give the sock personality! Yeah, personality!
I also got quite a bit of the second mitten done also yesterday. I often wonder what I did before I knit. If I have a minute of down time I have time to knit.
This is the load we have now. It is an Oshkosh truck. It has been a topic of conversation. Lots of people have come up to the truck to take a lookie at the 42,000 pound military truck. They want to know what it weighs, what kind of engine it has, and is it an automatic? People have also told us stories of there military days.
BTW, it had a Detroit engine and it is and automatic.
Well I think we're going to get ourselves ready so we can go back to work. We're going to have to hit it hard the next couple of days. We've messed around long enough and it is time to get back to work.
Hi Skip!!
good luck, we are all couning on you!.........Avacado
okay.. I'll admit I am impressed and intrigued by your knitting. In fact I am amazed you have the patience to do it. If it were me, I'd have the world's biggest knot. But even though I enjoy your knitting, I think there needs to be more pictures of the truck in the blog as well. For us gearheads you understand...
ok so you have all this time on your hands and want to knit. Knit me some socks and underware... i know I spelled that incorectly but I dont care... do you? Hi Chris.
update! update! update!
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