Hey there! Once again I apologize for my lack of posting. I am just one busy chick.
We ended up deadheading home from Shelby and got home early Friday morning. I was lucky enough that Disa had the day off of work so we spent the day doing some running around. Friday night I fired up the grill and we had a lovely dinner.
Saturday I did some running around and went to the yarn store. (I'll talk more about that when I can show you pics! The digital camera was left at Karis, ooops. I'm afraid this will be a pictureless blog) Then Saturday night we went to Kari and Brads Housewarming party. Well we really warmed that house up!!! I had a blast! I got to see Moe, Karis mom and all my peeps. I partied like a rock star and felt it the next day.
Sunday I just mostly felt like carp and layed around. I remember why I don't party like that all the time now.
Monday we started the search for freight again. We were unsuccessful.
Today we re-leased on with Admiral Merchants. Ahhh, we've come full circle. We went into the office to fill out the paperwork. It was great to go in the office and see all my peeps. I could have spent all day walking around chitty chatting with people. I figure they will limit the time that I can come in the office because I will be a distraction as I talk to people and they are not working. hehe. When I was over talking to Ralph he asked if I wanted to answer his phone so I did. It was one of the drivers that I used to talk to a lot. He says " Laura! I haven't talked to you in forever! Where have you been?" I told him I didn't actually work there anymore and that I was just in visiting. We chatted for a few minutes then I ran some miles for him. I was highly amused by the whole thing.
Well I promise I will get ya'll another update soon. I will post pics when I get my camera back again also.
Ahhh Welcome back. You were there today and I was gone.. The good part is at least I'll be able to talk to you once in a while. I do have questions though.. After the party on Sunday you said you felt like carp? Does that mean you had an appetite for fish? Or that you felt fishy..? Does that mean you had a carpy day? Just wondering..
We did party like Rock Stars, and I also felt like carp the next day. :)
Hooray, I got to see you three times in two days.. I am so honored. Please give the boys a pat on the head for me..
okay Curly Purple.. at least I can see where you are nowadays. No worries on the slower updates, I just re-read the past stuff. Don't forget the pat on the head for the boys. Happy Trails....
lazy blogger.
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