We're in SSP right now. We will leave tomorrow morning for Portland OR. I am excited to be heading into the Northwest. I have never been to OR or WA (neither has Oscar!!!). I'll be curious to see what we can find to haul out of there since this is a Holiday week. Happy 4th BTW.
Oh and Happy Birthday Skip. I know this isn't the weekly message but it's the best I can do!!!
Well this week has been filled with truck drama. We were going to get a new truck then we weren't then we were again. Well we are not getting a new truck. We will continue to travel around in 3310.
Here is a pic of the load we took to NC.

This is our current load that's going to Portland. Well this is part of it anyways. We are in the middle of loading when I took this but the rest of it looks just like these crates.
I finished the counterpain bag. I am pleased with the way it turned out. If I had it to do all over again I would have sent it to Moe to have her do the sewing for the lining. I guess the good thing about me doing all the sewing by hand is that it is 100% hand made by me. You can tell it's handmade if you look at the lining though.
I also finished these socks. I drunkenly promised them to Kari. She is one lucky chica because these are some lovely socks. They are Mountain Colors Barefoot. The yarn is spendy but lovely and wonderful to work with.
This is my newest big project. It is a butterfly shawl that I am knitting me me, me, me!!! I was looking for a shawl pattern for me when I ran across this at Borrialis Yarns last time we were in town. I wanted a shawl for in the truck. Sometimes it gets chilly but I don't want to put a sweater on and the dogs are SUCH blanket hogs. (It looks like Nannie might turn into a shawl hog!) It's coming along nicely and I am thinking that it should be done by the time we get to Portland unless I get distracted by socks. I am over half way done already. ***This site does not want to upload these pics of the shawl. I will try later***
Today I swung by Three Kittens Yarn Shoppe to return the extra balls from my bag. ( I just don't have the space or money for a stash in the truck that does not have a plan!!) I picked up some (more) sock yarn. I got this really cool sock yarn that has aloe vera in the yarn. You really can't tell when you just pick it up but the lady at the yarn shop said that she loved knitting with it because it moisturized your hands while you were working with it also. It's supposed to last for 40 washings.
I also picked up yarn to knit Chris 2 pairs of socks. He was not feeling the knitting love. He is financing my knitting career and not seeing anything knit for him. Sorry about that babe. I'll get those socks started stat!!!
i am the birthday boys sister in california, (Leslie). Skip showed me your blog and I told him you should check out this website mapmuse.com. Put in Yarn shops and your current zip code and it will show you all the yarn shops in your area.
by the way Skip says thanks for the birthday greetings and Hi!
Aww, no new truck, ahh well.
It was great seeing you (understatement) while you were here. It's so much nicer knowing your doing well and where your latest adventure takes you. Happy Trails, and of course from me, the pat on the head for the boys.
I'm bummed, I didn't realize you were in town for so long... I should have called you to see if you wanted to go yarn shopping! Oh well, it's ok for now since I don't have a lot of money for yarn right now and have too many projects on my hands ;)
I'm also bummed because you're probably going to be out of town next week. I was going to see if you wanted to go to Stitch n' Pitch night at the Twins game on the 13th (details at Three Kittens website.)
Anyway, I'll talk to you soon. And I'll get you pictures of my projects - I promise!!
Sweet!!! I was actually thinking about those socks the other day, and couldn't remember if you were giving them to me or not... so you could have kept them for your own...haha! too late. on a side note- i've been talking to dave olson about S & G all morning AND we drove by the wild life REFUGEE on the way to and from the cabin. AND i always think it's weird when i'm driving in some random town, and happen to spot a gas station or a hardee's or some weird resteraunt which i've been in before with you. :)
Hey, you are so talented why don't you just simply KNIT a new truck????? It would be accurate and exacting in detail and if you use the yarn with the aloe, soft on the hands.... 'D Moe
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