tomorrow morning down in San Juan, TX. His name is Brutus. He is a 1963 Cat Wheeled Dozer. Brutus doesn't look quite as impressive with the canopy down. I could kick myself for not getting a picture of him before we had the canopy dropped. Oh well too late now.
I don't think I have mentioned lately how much I LOVE Idle-Aire. Friday night we hooked up to the Idle Aire in El Paso and had a lovely time watching TV and using the computer without worrying about it dying. Today we are hooked up in San Antonio watching the race in cool comfort.
Here is a pic of my finished butterfly shawl. Don't you just love the deck of the trailer as the backdrop?

I have also been working on socks like a mad fool which seems ridiculous since it has been 100 degrees outside the past few days. I felt silly putting these socks on to take the picture. Look!!! I finally finished these socks. I was looking back on the blog and they made there first appearance in April. I can tell that they were worked on for a long time since the second sock is a bit bigger than the first. Either I have loosened up my gauge in the past few months or I was really angry when I started them (hehe).

I am also making excellent progress on Chris' socks. I am calling these Chris' peacock socks. The picture doesn't do them justice but in the light the colors remind me of a peacock. I am a little worried that I am going to run out of yarn. I am just going to keep knitting away and hope for the best.

Well that's all folks. All is well in the big blue truck.
I wish we would have had IdleAire in Spring Valley this last weekend at the Driver BBQ. It was about a million degrees.. It wasn't the same without you there.. I'm glad you're having a good trip, and the knitting is progressing at a fever pitch. Happy trails.. give the boys a pat on the head for me.
Nice job on the knitting. They all look wonderful :) I know what you mean about wondering if you're going to run out of sock yarn knitting for your honey. Steve's socks seemed like so much more work. I got 2 skeins (just in case) of sock yarn for his socks - I think there's enough for me to make a pair for myself :) So someday we'll have matching socks!!
I'm working on my Petals Collection socks right now. The colors are great (Calla Lilly) and the pattern has some lace touches to it so that's fun too. I'm thinking though that lace is not my thing...
Call me next time you're in town so we can go yarn shopping or even just hang out somewhere to knit :)
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