Saturday, April 29, 2006


This morning I went on a fabulous run. I noticed that beyond the truckstop was a residential area so I decided to run down there. It was great. I ran in the morning so the weather was wonderful, the neighborhood did not have a lot of traffic and it smelled like Florida. There was a slight breeze so the scent of orange blossoms was in the air. Oscar also enjoyed the run immensely. He was happy as a clam. Since the temp was only about 70 he was enjoying it. We saw our fill of creatures also. We saw birds, dogs, cats, a rooster and goats! Yes, goats!!!! I think I also found the redneck section of the Tampa area.

This is the view from our room.

I don't know if you can tell or not but that is the TA truckstop beyond the parking lot. Now this hotel is lovely. It's a Hampton Inn and should be lovely but WHY would anyone want to stay here with this lovely view of the truckstop??? If I was vacationing in Tampa I would think there would be more seenic places to stay. Oh well it suits our purposes and now we have the truck parked where we can see it from the room so that makes Chris happy.

This afternoon I finally lounged aroung the pool. It's another beautiful day but breezy. When I got in the pool there was a chair in the pool! I swam some laps, read a magazine, knit on my spring sock and listened to my ipod. It was very relaxing. I may head back out there in a little bit but thought I better come inside and make sure I was not getting burnt. I wouldn't mind being a nice tan color but think that lobster red would not suit me well. I think I'm ok so far!

Here is my spring sock.

I've made a lot of progress with it and still love it!! I haven't thrown it across the room yet or cursed it out too much yet.

There seems to be some really great sounding yarn shops here in the Tampa area but I will be unable to visit any of them. The only 2 stupid truckstops here will not let you drop your trailer and talking the truck and trailer to go out be-bopping around town is not really an option. I told Chris we needed scooters or something for cruising around town during our downtime.

Have you ever been to Bob Evans? There is one in the parking lot of the hotel so we have been eating pretty much all of our meals there. Yum. I love Bob Evans. I wish there were Bob Evans in MN.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yummmmmm Bob Evans... :-)